Roj Shop On Line
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Delivery Terms:

When goods are transported, the risk (of accidental loss, destruction or deterioration) shall pass to the Customer as soon as we have delivered the goods to the carrier chosen by us.

Customer will be billed for and shall pay all freight transportation, (shipping, insurance and handling charges) duties and taxes (including any applicable VAT, sales, personal property, ad valorem) and other taxes (duties, levies or charges) imposed by any governmental authority, irrespective of whether applicable law makes such items the responsibility of the buyer or seller, but excluding any taxes payable by Company with respect to its net income.

Customer, shall, subject to Company's available facilities at the shipping point, determine the type of transportation and shall notify Company thereof at the time Customer places each Order. If Customer shall fail to so notify Company, Company or its agent may select any commercial air, ship, motor or rail carrier or any combination thereof for the transportation of the Products. Company will make deliveries of the Products in the quantities ordered as near as reasonably possible to Customer's requested delivery dates.

Company shall use its reasonable efforts to deliver the Products to Customer by the agreed upon date. However, except in cases of Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence, Company shall not be liable to Customer for delays in delivery or damage to Products while in transit, irrespective of whether Company or Customer determined the mode of transportation