Air jet and water jet feeders
> Rapier and projectile feeders
> Accessories for weft feeders
In this section you will find spare-parts and accessories for
Air-jet and Water-jet feeders.
Select the desired weft feeder to find related accessories and spare parts list.
A completely new design to combine the latest high technology with the proven performance and capability of the well known Roj Super Elf weft-feeders for air jet and water jet looms.
The Super Elf G2 is compatible with previous generation of Super Elf feeders.
Our permanent magnet ensures low energy consumption, total control at all speeds and a low operating temperature.
Super Elf X3 is the culmination of years of experience in air-jet and water-jet weft feeders, ensuring the highest performance, versatility and reliability.
The Super ELF X3 is based on a proven platform, produced annually in 25.000 units.
Super ELF GF is a "special execution" designed to weave high quality glass fibre fabrics on Air-Jet looms with as few broken filaments as possible.